How we help

We help entrepreneurs improve, package and sell their businesses.

We believe that entrepreneurship has always been an fundamental driving force within Quebec society and that our local entrepreneurs are amongst the most innovative and capable in the world. Our goal is to make sure you, as a business owner, get the maximum value for all the years of hard work and sacrifice you have put into your business.

of businesses listed for sale fail to find a buyer


of Canadian business owners want to exit within the next five years but lack a formal plan

KPMG Canada

of Canadian business owners don't know what their business is worth

KPMG Canada

potential increase in value of companies implementing an effective value creation strategy

Value Builder System

“Avalon” is the legendary island in Celtic mythology where King Arthur went to rest at the end of his reign. Described as an earthly paradise in the western seas, it is a source of inner peace, wisdom and freedom.

We as business owners became entrepreneurs for a variety of reasons; but a common underlying theme is that of seeking freedom. We were looking to build something from scratch, do things our own way, or be able to determine our own destiny. We often take tremendous pride in the business we have created. We are also looking to have our years of effort recognized and rewarded with a successful and lucrative exit.

We at Avalon Partners take this to heart and are committed to helping you achieve the ultimate freedom that comes with having a company that is both valuable and sellable.

We’d also like to share some interesting data on the challenges that business owners like you are facing in today’s marketplace.

In a compelling article appearing in Forbes “Study Shows Why Many Business Owners Can’t Sell When They Want To” written by Mary Ellen Biery, research conducted by the Exit Planning Institute indicates that many business owners have as much as 90% of their personal net worth tied up in their business, making this one of the most valuable assets they will own in their lifetime, and having a major financial impact on how they will support themselves during their retirement years. Unfortunately, the article also indicates that as many as 70% of businesses listed for sale fail to find a buyer.

Additional polling conducted by KPMG Canada and appearing in an article entitled “Nearly a third of Canadian small- and medium-sized business owners worry they won’t survive a second wave: KPMG in Canada Poll” indicates that 73% of Canadian entrepreneurs want to exit within the next five years but lack a formal plan. Furthermore, 46% of owners don’t know what their business is worth.

Each of these findings demonstrate some of the common hurdles faced by entrepreneurs today as well as the importance of preparation and planning ahead of the actual sale.

And these are the challenges that Avalon Partners has committed itself to addressing together with you. From the moment we opened our doors, we understood that Quebec business owners were in need of a wider and more comprehensive set of exit planning services than were currently available locally.

While the majority of individuals and firms working with business owners choose to focus on valuation and/or brokerage services exclusively, we understood the importance of also being able to help business owners confidently plan their exit long before they list their company for sale.

And this is why we are one of the only brokerage teams in Quebec able to offer you our Business Value Building services, a statistically proven method to improve the value of your business prior to sale and supported by the data and quantitative analysis of 65,000 other business owners like you. As you will see in the Value Building section of our website, implementing an effective value creation strategy can lead to a potential increase in your valuation of 71% or more.

So whether you are aiming to sell your business immediately, or are looking understand how to build value for a future exit, we can help by working with you to transform your business into a company that is built-to-sell and ensure you receive maximum value when you decide it’s time to exit.

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The Essential Guide to Selling Your Business in Quebec

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